Tuesday, April 24, 2007


i've been playing around with the display size of images on this blog and i'm wondering if that change is a good thing? i personally think that the bigger image is a bit more striking but i'm also wondering if they are appearing as slightly distorted on other peoples monitors? if you want to offer feedback of any kind i can be reached at samhorine [at] gmail [dot] com or leave a comment below. thanks.

additionally, in the very near future, or as soon as i get samhorine.com reprogrammed/reformatted/redesigned to launch as a one-image-a-day type of blog with a tightly edited portfolio component, i'll be looking to make a lot of changes to this site. i'm envisioning that it will include a lot more written content. focusing specifically on food, the south slope, clever designs for the home, music and more. it will also expand to feature more voices, including that of the lovely robin wellington. who is an expert in all things canadian, a fabulous cook and entertainer as well as my wonderful partner in crime.


Anonymous said...

I like the larger images. I do something very similiar on my blog, but I know less about it than you do, it looks like: http://www.bradwilson.us/bps

Enjoyed meeting you and seeing your photos at the Photoblogs 9 Meeting.

sam said...

thanks brad, nice to meet you at nycpb9 as well.